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来源:2exam.com 2010-3-29 编辑:yangmeiling 【字体:小 大】

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item)

1. ________ Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high.
A. Despite
B. In spite of
C. Because
D. Although
2. These little things aren't important ________ themselves, but put together, they can cause troubles.
A. by
B. in
C. for
D. at
3. If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun, again like a huge mirror ________ in the sky.
A. hang
B. hanged
C. hung
D. hangs
4. When we call a word “learned,” we do not mean that it is used by learned persons alone, ________ simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due to books and the cultivation of literature rather than to the actual needs of ordinary conversation.
A. so
B. since
C. but
D. for
5. ________ is accepted as true often is relatively, and not absolutely, true.
A. What
B. That
C. Which
D. It
6. I ________ awake for about two hours last night.
A. lie
B. lied
C. laid
D. lay
7. In theory, every person will have ________ to an unlimited amount of information with the development of telecommunication satellites.
A. entry
B. access
C. entrance
D. opening
8. It is in Iran ________ the family members are involved in the wedding preparations.
A. where
B. in which
C. that
D. from which
9. I have never before met ________ as he is.
A. so an intelligent person
B. a so intelligent person
C. so intelligent person
D. so intelligent a person
10. The role of the father in the traditional family was to provide ________ his family.
A. for
B. with
C. up
D. over

Ⅱ. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item)

Getting plenty of exercise is very important. I enjoy 11 very much. Last Summer, I went to the beach every day. I plan to go there this summer too, 12 I may not be able to. I have a new jo
B. Sometimes I have to work until 13 at night. Though I now work more hours than I used to, I do receive a larger salary. I didn't receive much pay on my old jo
B. I like 14 new job, but had I known that it would take up so much of my free time, I 15 it. I prefer swimming to spending money.
I have heared that riding a bike is good exercise. Maybe I will be able to
16 enough money to buy a bike. My neighbour, Mrs. Wilson, has a bicycle that I could borrow from her, but I would rather own my own bike. If I used 17 , I would worry about damaging it. Since I 18 more money now, I think that I can afford to buy my own. Getting a bike is really a good idea, because while I am riding to and from work, I will be getting exercise at the same time. It's easier to get to the beach by bike too. I might be able to go swimming every day 19 . This new job is great: I'm very 20 . This will be a summer full of exercise.
11. A. to swim
B. swim
C. swimming
D. the swim
12. A. and
B. or
C. neither
D. but
13. A. lately
B. latter
C. late
D. latest
14. A. some
B. any
C. my
D. its
15. A. would not take
B. wouldn't have taken
C. won't have taken
D. had not taken
16. A. take
B. save
C. keep
D. maintain
17. A. her
B. hers
C. its
D. theirs
18. A. make
B. spend
C. pay
D. do
19. A. at all
B. all over
C. after all
D. all but
20. A. excited
B. exciting
C. surprising
D. surprised

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