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来源:教育部 2013-1-9 21:25:40




二、 名单

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
National Technical University of Athens (Atehens Polytechnic School)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Athens University of Economics and Business
Agricultural University of Athens
Athens School of Fine Arts
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
University of Piraeus
University of Macedonia
University of Patras
University of Ioannina
Democritus University of Thrace
University of Crete
Technical University of Crete
University of Thessaly
University of The Aegean
Ionian University
Harokopeio University
University of Peloponnese

Technological Educational Institution of Athens
Technological Educational Institution of West Macedonia
Technological Educational Institution of Epirus
Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki
Technological Educational Institution of Kavala
Technological Educational Institution of Klamata
Technological Educational Institution of Crtete
Technological Educational Institution of Lamia
Technological Educational Institution of Larissa
Technological Educational Institution of Messolonghi
Technological Educational Institution of Patras
Technological Educational Institution of Piraeus
Technological Educational Institution of Serres
Technological Educational Institution of Chalkida

Hellenic Open University
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education

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