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来源:2exam.com 2012-11-22 20:05:18


Test 5
1. Fat people should ______ the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things.

A. cancel                       B. resist             C. deny               D. refuse

2. He looked for a table to sit down at, but they were all ______.

A. reserved             B. engaged                C. used up                 D. filled in

3. The whole business of buying and selling shares depends on a person’s ability to ______ the future.

       A. improve           B. understand              C. expect                     D. anticipate

4. The fisherman said that the high wind had made the sea very ______.

A. calm                        B. uneven         C. rough            D. tough

5. Science had made great ______ during the past 30 years.

A. increases           B. motions                C. advances       D. advantages

6. You can’t ______ that traffic is getting worse and worse in cities.

A. deny                        B. refuse            C. ignore            D. neglect

7. You can borrow the book ______ you keep it clean.

       A. in case                    B. as long as                C. considering that             D. except that

8. ______ illness is often harder to cure than bodily illness.

A. Minded             B. Logical                 C. Physical         D. Mental

9. I’m sure they couldn’t have arranged it; they must have met ______.

A. by fortune        B. by chance      C. with luck       D. by design

10. Mrs. Brown was very ______ when she broke her beautiful teapot.

A. troubled            B. upset              C. damaged        D. offended

11. Nothing but patient study can make one ______ English idioms. 

A. familiar with                  B. superior to          C. independent of      D. grateful for

12. What you have told me about Mr. White ______ my suspicion that he beats his wife. 

A. declares                         B. confirms             C. maintains             D. corresponds

13. I sometimes take John’s coat instead of my own, because the two of them look so ______.

A. original             B. similar           C. comfortable   D. curious

14. The car ______ a lot of fuel.

A. assumes    B. presumes   C. consumes    D. resumes

15. Recently there has been a great ______ for small cars that use little petrol.

A. claim                 B. application      C. request          D. demand


Test 5
1.【答案】B。cancel“取消”;resist“抵制”,resist the temptation to do sth. “抵制做……诱惑”;deny“否认”。

2.【答案】A。reserve“预定”;engage“雇佣。聘用”;use up“用完”;fill in“填入”。





7.【答案】B。in case“以防,万一”;as long as“只要”;considering that“考虑到”;except that“除了……”。资料来源:31省市学位英语网www.31xuewei.com


9.【答案】B。by fortune“凭运气”;by chance“碰巧地”;with luck“幸运地”。


11.【答案】A。familiar with“对……熟悉”;superior to“优于……”;independent of“不依赖……的;不受……支配的”;grateful for“对……感激的”。




15.【答案】D。claim“断言,声称,索赔”;application for“申请,应用”;request“要求,请求”;demand for“需要,需求……”。


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